Leadership Camp Texas

Leadership Camp Texas is a 1-week summer camp to help boys entering 5th - 8th grades to develop into fine, hard-working and courageous men who can be leaders among their peers. Through cabin competitions, night games, Xtreme olympics, and many more LCT activities, the boys have a ton of fun while at the same time growing in manliness and virtue. The camp's full, well-balanced schedule is designed to motivate the boys to use their talents in order to lead and serve others while developing strong friendships.

LCT 2025 will take place from Saturday, June 28 to Friday, July 4, 2025 at Stoney Creek Ranch in Columbus, TX. You can go to Stoney Creek's website to learn moret the facilities.

If you've benefitted from LCT activities as a camper, counselor or parent, please consider showing your support to help us defray the costs we have incurred so far and/or to give us a financial cushion for next year, then please an online donation.

Check out the LCT Videos!

The LCT Experience

Each day at LCT is full of activity which includes exercise, competition, sports, study and prayer. From the morning run to the examination of conscience at night, LCT campers and counselor squeeze the most out of every day at camp. 

A Typical Cabin Cheer

Here are some examples and snapshots of life at LCT

The Body

Through athletics the boys develop a healthy spirit of competition while improving in their teamwork and leadership skills.  The campers compete for their cabins in organized team sports such as:


Pool volleyball
Sand volleyball
Gaga Ball

Ultimate Frisbee
LCT World Cup

The Mind

The end of the school year is not the end of learning and exploration.  In fact, summer is an excellent time to grow the imagination and intellect, watering them from new and varied sources.  At LCT campers take part in classes such as creative writing - where the boys' work may be published in the camp newspaper, The LCT Ledger; woodworking - where boys create their own wooden swords, battle axes, or shields (complete with a coat of arms); and military history - where the lessons culminate with the a re-enactment of an historic battle on the final day of camp (Dads included!)  The counselors at LCT (who are often former campers) also prepare talks on virtues such as sincerity, humility, and the spirit of sacrifice.

The Adventure

At different points during the day, campers can choose from a variety of activities such as the blob, the rock wall, kayaks and canoes, the ropes course, and good old swimming and diving in the pool!  They can also earn points for their cabins by signing up for tournaments in horseshoes, ping pong, fishing, archery, and many more. But perhaps one of the greatest attractions at LCT are the night games!  In addition to the campfire night, the boys also play revered night games such as capture the flag, ghost, fox, and the treasure hunt!

The Soul

LCT provides nourishment for the body, the mind, and the soul.  The boys can deepen their faith by participating in Mass each morning and reciting the rosary.  Their counselors also prepare short catechism classes and answer questions about the Faith, morality, and the spiritual life.  At the end of each day every camper makes an examination of conscience, reflecting on what he has done well or poorly during the day, and how he can improve tomorrow.  A Catholic priest is always on hand at camp for confession and spiritual guidance.

If you have a family emergency and need to contact LCT, please call the Stoney Creek Ranch staff directly at 713-800-7250.